Bamboo Creations Nursery, Riddells Creek
Bamboo Creations Nursery, Riddells Creek

Arrow Bamboo

Botanical Name: Pseudosasa Japonica

Pseudosasa japonica, commonly known as arrow bamboo, is a species native to Japan and Korea. It is widely appreciated for its ornamental value and is often used in gardens and landscapes.

Arrow Bamboo is a versatile and attractive species suitable for various garden uses. Its ability to form dense screens and its resilience in different climates make it a popular choice among gardeners. Historically, the culms of Pseudosasa japonica were used to make arrow shafts, which is how it got its common name.

While its practical uses extend to crafting and construction, its rhizomatous root system helps stabilise soil, making it useful for erosion control on slopes and embankments. Additionally, it provides environmental benefits by offering habitat and cover for various wildlife species, including birds and small mammals.

However, careful management is required to prevent it from spreading uncontrollably.

Table of Contents

Appearance of Arrow Bamboo

Pseudosasa japonica/Arrow Bamboo, is characterised by its tall, slender green culms and large, lance-shaped dark green leaves. Its dense foliage and clumping growth habit make it attractive for creating natural screens, privacy hedges, or decorative accents in gardens.

Arrow Bamboo typically grows to 3-5 meters, though it can sometimes reach up to 6 meters under ideal conditions. The culms (stems) are slender, green, and upright, with a 1-2 cm diameter. They are smooth and cylindrical, often forming dense clusters due to the plant’s rhizomatous growth habit. Its evergreen nature ensures year-round visual appeal,

Growth Habits and Care of Arrow Bamboo

Arrow Bamboo spreads via underground rhizomes, potentially forming a dense thicket if not managed. However, its tendency to clump allows for effective control with proper care and maintenance.

Growing Pseudosasa japonica in pots or planter boxes provides a controlled environment to appreciate its beauty and benefits.

Arrow Bamboo thrives in containers, enhancing courtyards, balconies, and small gardens with its lush green presence. The sturdy stems are versatile for constructing small garden structures like trellises, stakes, and frames for climbing plants.

Once established, Pseudosasa japonica is low-maintenance and exhibits good drought tolerance. However, consistent watering is crucial during dry spells, particularly for newly planted specimens.

Suitability for Australian Landscapes

Pseudosasa japonica, or Arrow Bamboo, thrives in narrow spaces when its spread is managed with root barriers. Installing durable root barriers, along with regular maintenance and care, allows you to enjoy the beauty and functionality of arrow bamboo without concerns of invasiveness.

This approach enhances its versatility in various garden designs and confined areas. Another effective method to cultivate arrow bamboo without it spreading uncontrollably is to grow it in raised garden beds.

This method offers several benefits, including better control over its growth, enhanced soil quality, and simplified maintenance. Arrow bamboo can flourish in raised beds with proper soil preparation, consistent watering, and regular upkeep, enriching your garden with a vibrant green presence.

Like other bamboos, Pseudosasa japonica contributes to improved air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen.

Care instructions for Arrow Bamboo

  • Light requirements

    • Planting bamboo in pots offers the flexibility to relocate it within your garden or balcony, allowing for dynamic design adjustments based on lighting and weather conditions.
    • Arrow Bamboo (Pseudosasa japonica) is suitable for indoor and outdoor cultivation. It thrives best in partial shade, tolerating some direct sunlight, particularly in the morning or late afternoon, but prefers protection from intense midday sun.
    • This bamboo variety flourishes in locations with filtered sunlight, such as under tall tree canopies or beside buildings that provide shade during the day. While it can withstand full sun, especially in cooler climates, prolonged exposure to intense sunlight may lead to leaf scorch or yellowing.
    • In warmer regions, providing some shade is beneficial.
    • When growing indoors, place the plant near a bright window where it can receive indirect sunlight. Avoid placing it in areas devoid of natural light or where it would be exposed to direct, harsh sunlight.
  • Watering

    • When established, Arrow bamboo thrives with less water, which allows it to be used in various garden settings, including those with less frequent watering schedules.

    • It is important to regularly water the plant during dry periods, especially when it’s newly planted.

    • Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water the plant thoroughly whenever the top inch of soil feels slightly dry.

    • Avoid letting the soil completely dry out or become waterlogged, as both conditions can harm the bamboo.

    • Arrow Bamboo, known for its resilience, can tolerate minimal water better than clumping bamboo. This makes it a versatile choice for gardens with varying water availability.

  • Soil

    • Use well-draining soil that retains moisture; if planted in a pot, ensure adequate drainage holes to avoid waterlogging, which can lead to root rot.
    • Mix regular potting mix with rich organic compost matter. This enriches the soil with organic matter such as compost, well-rotted manure, or leaf mould, providing necessary nutrients and improving soil structure.
    • Avoid using heavy clay-based soil, as it can hinder drainage.
  • Temperature and Humidity

    • Pseudosasa japonica /Arrow Bamboo thrives in a moderate temperature range of around 15 to 20°C.

    • It prefers high humidity levels, so misting the leaves regularly or placing a tray of water nearby can help increase humidity.

    • Arrow Bamboo is relatively cold hardy and can tolerate temperatures below -20°C for short periods. However, it may experience some leaf damage if exposed to prolonged severe frost.

  • Pruning

    • Arrow bamboo is relatively low-maintenance and doesn’t require frequent pruning or extensive care. However, Bamboo adapts well to pruning, which can help control its size and shape.
    • Regular pruning is done to remove dead or damaged canes.
    • Remove any damaged, yellowing, or dead leaves regularly to maintain the bamboo appearance.
    • Trim back any overgrown or wayward stems to maintain the desired shape. This can promote healthier growth. Following these steps, you can keep your bamboo healthy, well-shaped, and aesthetically pleasing.

  • Repotting

    • Arrow bamboo prefers to be slightly root-bound, so repotting is typically required only every 2-3 years.

    • When repotting, choose a container 1-2 sizes larger than the current one. Ensure that the new pot has drainage holes to prevent water logging.

    • Using attractive pots or planter boxes can enhance the aesthetic appeal of arrow bamboo, making it a focal point in your outdoor space.

    • Low pots for growing Pseudosasa japonica, or Arrow Bamboo, can be a practical solution to ensure stability and prevent tipping, especially given the plant’s height and growth characteristics.

  • Mulching

    • In colder regions, mulching provides winter protection. It helps insulate the roots from freezing temperatures, maintain soil moisture, regulate temperature, and add nutrients.

    • Bamboo is not fussy about which mulch you use.

    • Organic mulches such as bark chips, straws, leaves, or compost are ideal for bamboo. They break down over time, adding nutrients to the soil.

    • Spread a layer of mulch about 10cm thick around the base of the bamboo.

    • Properly mulching your bamboo can help maintain a healthy environment, promoting robust growth and vitality.

NOTE: All information, sizes, and growth projections are based on mature plants fertilised, watered regularly, and situated in their ideal environment. This information is intended as a guide only, and actual results may vary depending on individual care and environmental conditions.


Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
20cm, 25cm, 30cm
Frost tolerant bamboo from Bamboo Creations Victoria
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Care instructions:

  • Arrow bamboo is a relatively rapid growing bamboo and can reach full height in about 2 to 3 years depending on conditions and the size of the purchased pot.
  • As this is a running type of bamboo, it is highly recommended that a root barrier be used if planted in the ground.
  • Full sun to part shade or filtered light
  • Water well and keep moist when planting until well established
  • Keep well mulched
  • Loves a drink including a good rainfall
  • Requires constantly moist soil, especially in the growing seasons
  • It can be pruned to any height.
  • It is suited for pots and planters.
  • Suited as a grove in more significant properties
  • Fertilise regularly to promote vigorous growth and more vibrant leaves.


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Do you know Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world? Wouldn’t you rather look at a beautiful green living plant than an everyday fence?

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