Bamboo Creations Nursery, Riddells Creek
Bamboo Creations Nursery, Riddells Creek

Balcooa Bamboo

Botanical Name: Bambusa balcooa

Bambusa balcooa, commonly known as Balcooa Bamboo, is a tropical clumping bamboo species native to India and Bangladesh. It is widely cultivated for various applications, including construction, paper production, and biomass.

Due to its strength and durability, Bambusa balcooa is used in building houses and scaffolding and as a substitute for steel in reinforced concrete structures.

Additionally, it is crafted into furniture, baskets, and other household items. Its fibrous nature makes it suitable for paper and pulp production, and it serves as an excellent source of biomass for renewable energy projects.

Table of Contents

Appearance of Balcooa Bamboo

Balcooa Bamboo typically grows to a height of 15-25 meters. Its thick-walled culms measure 10-15 cm in diameter and are known for their strength and durability. The lance-shaped leaves are long and narrow, providing a lush green appearance, usually 15-30 cm long and 1-3 cm wide. Balcooa bamboo has a clumping growth habit, with the clump spreading to about 3 meters in diameter. This substantial spread means it needs plenty of room to grow without crowding.

Growth Habits and Care of Balcooa Bamboo

Bambusa balcooa is a robust and versatile clumping bamboo species with a dense root system that helps prevent soil erosion, making it ideal for land reclamation projects. Unlike running bamboo species, it grows in tight clusters due to its short rhizomes that do not spread far from the parent plant. The rhizomes grow upward into new culms, forming a dense clump over time. Young culms are initially covered by sheaths that fall off as they mature.

Bambusa balcooa requires ample space to grow effectively, making it less suitable for small gardens. Due to its large size and expansive growth habit, it is generally not suited for growing in pots.

Once established, Bambusa balcooa requires minimal maintenance. It is relatively drought-tolerant but needs regular watering during dry periods, especially for newly planted specimens.

Suitability for Australian Landscapes

Bambusa balcooa is effective in sequestering carbon dioxide, helping mitigate climate change, and providing habitat for various bird and insect species.

This versatile and sustainable bamboo species offers numerous ecological and economic benefits. Its robust nature and wide range of applications make it an important resource in many regions.

Due to its size, Bambusa balcooa is better suited for large gardens, parks, or agricultural settings where it has ample space to expand horizontally and vertically. Its size can be overwhelming in small gardens, leading to overcrowding and competition for light and nutrients with other plants.

Bambusa balcooa is also edible. The young shoots are commonly consumed in various Asian cuisines, known for their high nutritional value.

They are often used in soups, stir-fries, and salads. Before consumption, the shoots must be properly prepared, typically by boiling or soaking, to remove any bitterness and toxins.

Balcooa bamboo is a healthy addition to the diet, with a high fiber content and essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals.

Although Bambusa balcooa mainly grows in tropical regions, we have succeeded in growing it here on our bamboo farm in Victoria. However, it is a very slow-growing bamboo in this region.

Care instructions for Balcooa bamboo

      • Light requirements

        • Balcooa bamboo thrives in full sun to partial shade, performing best with at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily. This encourages robust growth and enhances the plant’s overall health.
        • While it prefers full sun, Balcooa bamboo can also tolerate partial shade.
        • Direct sunlight promotes vigorous culm (stem) and foliage development, ensuring the bamboo produces strong, thick-walled culms.
        • Balcooa bamboo can adapt to filtered or dappled sunlight in environments without full sun, often found under the canopy of taller trees or structures that provide intermittent light.
      • Watering

        • Once established, Bambusa balcooa requires minimal maintenance.
        • It is relatively drought-tolerant but needs regular watering during dry periods, especially for newly planted specimens.
        • Like other bamboo, Balcooa requires proper care to maintain health and thrive.
        • Water the plant regularly during dry periods, especially when it is newly planted. Balcooa bamboo prefers consistently moist soil, so keep it slightly damp but not waterlogged.
        • Spring and summer are the plant’s growing seasons, during which it is more active and requires more frequent watering. Growth slows down in autumn. Check the soil regularly and water when the top inch feels dry.
        • During the plant’s dormant season in winter, reduce watering as its growth slows down, but do not let the soil dry out completely.
        • Deep watering is beneficial for bamboo. Water the plant thoroughly to ensure the roots receive adequate moisture. Avoid frequent light watering, which does not reach the deeper roots. Therefore, do not rely solely on rain to water your bamboo.
      • Soil

        • Ensure the plant is in soil drains well to prevent waterlogging and reduce the risk of root rot.
        • Bamboo thrives in soil that retains moisture yet allows for effective drainage. Incorporating garden soil, compost, organic materials, sand, or perlite can enhance soil drainage and nutrient availability.
        • Balcooa bamboo prefers fertile soils with good drainage but can adapt to various soil types, such as clay, loam, and sandy soils. When planting, a recommended approach is to mix in clay breaker, compost, and organic materials.
        • Additionally, organic matter derived from fallen leaves and culm debris contributes to soil fertility and supports various plant communities.
      • Temperature and humidity

        • Bambusa balcooa bamboo thrives best in tropical and subtropical climates with specific temperature and humidity requirements:
        • Bambusa balcooa prefers temperatures between 15°C to 38°C. It shows vigorous growth during warmer months when temperatures consistently remain within this range.
        • It requires high humidity levels to thrive. Ideally, the plant does well in regions with significant rainfall, ranging between 1500 and 2500 mm annually. This high humidity helps support healthy bamboo growth and development.
        • These conditions ensure that Bambusa balcooa grows robustly and maintains its health and vigour throughout its growing season.
        • Balcooa bamboo is sensitive to frost and prolonged cold temperatures.
        • It is not well-suited for regions where temperatures regularly drop below 15°C. While it can tolerate brief periods of cooler temperatures, sustained exposure to temperatures below 10°C can damage the bamboo.
        • However, It’s great to hear that Bambusa balcooa is thriving in Riddells Creek, Victoria, despite experiencing mild frost. This indicates that Balcooa bamboo can be more adaptable than typically expected.
      • Fertilising

        • Balcooa bamboo benefits from regular fertilisation during the growing season.
        • Apply a balanced formula that is explicitly for bamboo plants. Fertilising with a high-nitrogen fertiliser three times a year and a slow-release fertiliser once a year can promote vigorous growth and improve the plant’s overall health. You can learn more about fertilising in our blog.
        • The heading is Feeding your bamboo. You can also now purchase our fertilisers through our webpage.
      • Pruning

        • Balcooa bamboo is relatively low-maintenance and doesn’t require frequent pruning or extensive care. However,  Bamboo adapts well to pruning,  which can help control its size and shape.
        • Regular pruning is done to remove dead or damaged canes.
        • Thinning out overcrowded culms can improve air circulation.
        • Remove any damaged, yellowing, or dead leaves regularly to maintain the bamboo appearance.
        • Trim back any overgrown or wayward stems to maintain the desired shape.
        • This can promote healthier growth. Following these steps, you can keep your bamboo healthy, well-shaped, and aesthetically pleasing.
      • Mulching

        • In colder regions, mulching provides winter protection. It helps insulate the roots from freezing temperatures, maintain soil moisture, regulate temperature, and add nutrients.
        • Bamboo is not fussy about which mulch you use. Organic mulches such as bark chips, straws, leaves, or compost are ideal for bamboo.
        • They break down over time, adding nutrients to the soil. Spread a layer of mulch about 10cm thick around the base of the bamboo.
        • Properly mulching your bamboo can help maintain a healthy environment, promoting robust growth and vitality.

All information, sizes, and growth projections are based on mature plants fertilised, watered regularly, and situated in their ideal environment. This information is intended as a guide only, and actual results may vary depending on individual care and environmental conditions.

Limited stock is occasionally available on Pre Order only.

Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
Frost tolerant bamboo from Bamboo Creations Victoria
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Care instructions:

    • This species shoots in late summer through Autumn.Well-drained soil will be sufficient
    • Water well and keep moist when planting until well established
    • Loves a drink including a good rainfall
    • It can be pruned to any height
    • Fertilise regularly to promote vigorous growth and more vibrant leaves
    • Keep well mulched
    • Not suited to Small Pots or Small Planter Boxes


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Do you know Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world? Wouldn’t you rather look at a beautiful green living plant than an everyday fence?

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