Botanical Name: Pieioblastus pygmaeus var. distichus
Description:Native to Japan, Dwarf Fern-leaf Bamboo is the most miniature bamboo. The growing habit is very much like Pygmy. Dwarf Fern-leaf is a compact, evergreen bamboo well suited to Bonsai planting. It can also plant it in a pot or planter to add a touch of Japan to any garden. It gets its name Dwarf “Fern-leaf” because the leaves of this plant fan out in groups of 5 or so, making them look very much like a fern or palm. It is very tough and can perform well as a ground cover plant to cover bare areas, slopes or banks. As this is a ground cover bamboo, it can be invasive. However, we have managed to contain it with just one sleeper as a border.
It can be controlled using a border or root barrier. People have also been known to plant Dwarf Fern-leaf as a lawn. It can be walked on, cut to any size and even mowed. A maintenance task for this plant is to remove dead or damaged canes through the year and cut the canes to 20cm high at the end of winter.