Bamboo Creations Nursery, Riddells Creek
Bamboo Creations Nursery, Riddells Creek

Khasia Bamboo

Botanical Name: Drepanostachyum khasianum

Drepanostachyum khasianum (otherwise known as Khasia Bamboo, which may be available from time to time in our online shop), is a unique clumping bamboo with striking white and purple rings around the internodes. It is a captivating addition to any garden. It is renowned for its slender culms (stems) and delicate glossy weeping foliage.

This bamboo species, native to the Khasi Hills region in northeastern India, particularly in Meghalaya and Assam, is a versatile plant.

It belongs to the Poaceae (grasses) family and is renowned for its slender culms (stems) and delicate glossy weeping foliage.

Like many bamboo species, it is culturally significant in local communities and boasts potential economic uses such as construction, handicrafts, and erosion control, making it a plant of many talents.

Table of Contents

Appearance of Khasia Bamboo

Khasia has a clump size of about 1 metre. It can form a beautiful lime green screen to a height of about 4 metres. We recommend planting about 1 metre apart each bamboo plant to form a screen. The diameter of the culms usually ranges from 1 to 3 centimetres.

Along the length of the culms (stems), the nodes and internodes are distinct nodes where branches and leaves emerge. These nodes vary in length and give the culms their segmented appearance. The leaves are typically narrow and pointed, giving the plant an elegant appearance.

These dimensions vary based on growing conditions, including soil quality, water availability, and overall care. Under optimal conditions, the bamboo can reach the upper limits of these size ranges.

Growth Habits and Care of Khasia Bamboo

This species thrives in moist, shady environments in subtropical and temperate forests.

Choose the right location to plant Khasia bamboo in a microclimate within your garden that offers natural protection from the cold. Ideal spots include near a south-facing wall or under the canopy of other trees. We have found that side walkways between homes provide an excellent location for planting Khasia bamboo.

Once established, Drepanostachyum khasianum requires minimal maintenance. It’s relatively drought-tolerant once established. However, regular watering is necessary during dry periods, especially for newly planted specimens.

Suitability for Australian Landscapes

Drepanostachyum khasianum is vital to the ecosystems of the Khasi Hills. Khasia plays important ecological roles within its native habitat. As a fast-growing and prolific species, it contributes to forest regeneration and succession, particularly in disturbed areas. Its dense clumps provide habitat and food for various wildlife species, including insects, birds, and small mammals. Its dense growth is a natural solution to stabilise soil, prevent erosion, and regulate water flow in the region’s hilly terrain.

The culms (stems) of Khasia exhibit typical bamboo architecture, with hollow internodes separated by solid nodes. This structural design provides strength and flexibility, making bamboo culms (stems) well-suited for various construction purposes. The inter-nodal cavities can also serve as water storage reservoirs, allowing bamboo plants to survive dry periods.

It also inspires us with its ecological importance. While it is adaptable to different soil types, it generally prefers acidic to neutral soils.

It also does quite nicely in pots indoors or outdoors as a specimen plant.

Care instructions for Khasia Bamboo

  • Light requirements

    • Drepanostachyum khasianum prefers environments with partial shade to full sunlight.
    • While it can tolerate full sun, providing shade during the hottest part of the day can help it thrive, especially in regions with intense sunlight.
    • It is an excellent choice for shady areas in the garden.
    • In its native habitat, this bamboo often grows under the canopy of larger trees, where it receives dappled sunlight.
    • If grown indoors or in a greenhouse, ensure it gets plenty of bright, indirect light.
    • Intense sunlight through windows can be too harsh and may cause the leaves to scorch.
  • Watering

    • Drepanostachyum khasianum/ Khasia bamboo, like other bamboo, requires attention to ensure the plant remains healthy and thrives.
    • It is important to regularly water the plant during dry periods, especially when it’s newly planted.
    • Khasia bamboo prefers consistently moist soil. Ensure the soil is always slightly damp but not waterlogged.
    • The bamboo plant’s growing seasons are spring and summer, when it is active. Therefore, water is used more frequently during these seasons.
    • They slow down their growth in autumn.
    • Check the soil regularly and water when the top inch feels dry.
    • Bamboo plants’ dormant season is generally winter.
    • Reduce watering when the plant’s growth slows down during the cooler months. However, do not let the soil dry out completely.
    • Deep watering is beneficial for bamboo. Water the plant thoroughly to ensure the roots get enough moisture. Avoid frequent light watering, which does not reach the deeper roots.
    • Therefore, do not rely solely on rain to water your bamboo.
  • Soil

    • Ensure the plant is in well-draining soil to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot.
    • Bamboo generally thrives in soil that retains moisture but also drains well. Mixing garden soil, compost, sand, or perlite can provide the necessary drainage and nutrients.
    • The fallen leaves and culm debris also contribute organic matter to the soil, enriching soil fertility and supporting diverse plant communities.
  • Temperature and humidity

    • Drepanostachyum khasianum can tolerate a bit of cold but is not frost-resistant.
    • Khasia bamboo, while somewhat cold-tolerant, can tolerate light frosts.
    • It is generally unsuited to temperatures as low as -6°C  without protection from frost, which can damage the leaves and stems.
    • If the bamboo is in a pot, move it to a sheltered location, such as a garage, greenhouse, or indoors, during cold weather. Ensure it still receives some light.
    • While it prefers high humidity, Khasia bamboo can adapt to lower humidity levels with sufficient water and occasional misting to maintain leaf moisture.
    • It can handle warm temperatures but does best with afternoon shade in hot climates.
    • Misting the leaves regularly or placing a tray of water nearby can help.
  • Fertilising

    • Occasional fertilisation with a balanced, high-nitrogen and slow-release fertiliser supports healthy growth.
    • Apply a balanced formula specifically for bamboo plants. Fertilising with a high-nitrogen fertiliser three times a year and a slow-release fertiliser once a year can promote vigorous growth and improve the plant’s overall health. You can learn more about fertilising in our blog, Feeding your Bamboo. You can also now purchase our fertilisers through our webpage.
  • Pruning

    • All bamboo requires minimal maintenance. However, Bamboo adapts well to pruning, which can help control its size and shape.
    • Regular pruning is done to remove dead or damaged canes.
    • Bamboo can be hedged to a desired height. This involves cutting the tops off the bamboo canes to maintain a consistent height and encourage dense growth.
    • Remove yellowing or dead leaves regularly to keep the bamboo looking its best. Occasionally, the bamboo is thinned by removing some of the older canes to allow more light and air to reach the remaining plants.
    • This can promote healthier growth. Following these steps, you can keep your bamboo healthy, well-shaped, and aesthetically pleasing.
  • Repotting 

    • Drepanostachyum khasianum can be grown in pots. However, there are some specific considerations to ensure its healthy growth in a container:
    • Khasia bamboo can be grown in round, square pots. Planting in long planters can be high-maintenance.
    • If growing in a container is your only option, ensure the pot has good drainage holes and water more frequently since containers can dry out faster than ground soil.
    • Choose a large, deep pot to accommodate the bamboo’s extensive root system. A pot with a diameter of at least 45-60 cm and a similar depth is recommended.
  • Mulching

    • In colder regions, mulching provides winter protection. It helps insulate the roots from freezing temperatures, maintain soil moisture, regulate temperature, and add nutrients.
    • Bamboo is not fussy about which mulch you use. Organic mulches such as bark chips, straws, leaves, or compost are ideal for bamboo.
    • They break down over time, adding nutrients to the soil. Spread a layer of mulch about 10cm thick around the base of the bamboo.
    • Properly mulching your bamboo can help maintain a healthy environment, promoting robust growth and vitality.

All information, sizes, and growth projections are based on mature plants fertilised, watered regularly, and situated in their ideal environment. This information is intended as a guide only, and actual results may vary depending on individual care and environmental conditions.

Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
20cm, 25cm
Frost tolerant bamboo from Bamboo Creations Victoria
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  • Care instructions:

    • Drepanostachyum khasianum thrives in partial shade to full sunlight but benefits from shade during the hottest part of the day. It should be protected from harsh sunlight to prevent leaf scorch.

    • Khasia bamboo requires regular watering. Keep the soil consistently moist, but not waterlogged. Water more during its active spring and summer growing seasons. Reduce watering in winter, but don’t let the soil dry out completely. Rain alone may not provide enough moisture.

    • Keep well-mulched.

    • Apply high-nitrogen fertiliser three times a year and slow-release fertiliser once annually for optimal health.

    • Bamboo responds well to pruning, removing dead canes and leaves, and trimming canes to maintain height and encourage dense growth. Thinning the older canes improves light and airflow, promoting healthier growth.


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Do you know Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world? Wouldn’t you rather look at a beautiful green living plant than an everyday fence?

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