Bamboo Creations Nursery, Riddells Creek
Bamboo Creations Nursery, Riddells Creek

Lance-leaf bamboo

Botanical Name: Shibataea Lancifolia

Shibataea lancifolia, also known as Lance-leaf Bamboo, is a distinctive species of bamboo that hails from the mountainous regions of China and Japan. With its slender, smooth, and greenish-yellow culms (stems), this evergreen bamboo stands out in any landscape. Its lance-shaped leaves, which give the plant its common name, add to its unique appeal.

Appearance of Lance-Leaf Bamboo

Thanks to its dense growth habit, Shibataea lancifolia is a versatile plant that can serve multiple purposes in your garden. It’s an excellent choice for creating small privacy screens, controlling slope erosion, or adding a tropical touch to garden beds. Its lance-shaped leaves are attractive and provide cover and nesting sites for small animals, contributing to a more biodiverse environment.

Lance-leaf Bamboo magnified view of leaves - available from Bamboo Creations Victoria

Growth Habits and Care of Lance-Leaf- Leaf Bamboo

Lance-leaf Bamboo is considered hardy and can tolerate various climatic conditions. It thrives in the morning sun, partial shade, and filtered sunlight. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves. It can tolerate light frosts and well-draining soil that retains moisture. A mix of regular potting soil and organic compost works well. Avoid using heavy clay-based soil as it can hinder drainage. Lance-leaf bamboo is relatively low-maintenance and doesn’t require frequent pruning or extensive care. However, Removing unwanted culms and rhizomes can help prevent excessive expansion and maintain the plant’s desired shape. It is important to regularly water the plant during dry periods, especially when it’s newly planted. Lance-leaf bamboo benefits from regular fertilisation during the growing season. Apply a balanced, slow-release fertiliser formulated explicitly for bamboo plants. And also a high Nitrogen. You can learn more about fertilising in our blog, The heading is Feeding your bamboo. You can also now purchase our fertilisers through our webpage.

Suitability for Australian Landscapes

Shibataea lancifolia is prized for its beauty, adaptability, and ease of cultivation, making it a popular choice for landscapers and garden enthusiasts. This bamboo species is known for its compact and dense growth habit, making it an excellent choice for hedges, borders, and planters or pots. The culms grow close together, forming a dense screen of foliage. Shibataea Lancifolia thrives in a moderate temperature range of around 15-27°C. It prefers high humidity levels, so misting the leaves regularly or placing a tray of water nearby can help increase humidity. Shibataea lancifolia is a running bamboo known for its vigorous growth habit and tendency to spread through underground rhizomes, which can form dense bamboo thickets over time. When planting running bamboo, it is essential to consider containment methods such as root barriers to prevent it from spreading beyond the desired boundaries. Removing unwanted culms and rhizomes can help avoid excessive expansion and maintain the desired shape of the plant.

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Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
Bamboo of all types from Bamboo Creations Victoria
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  • Care instructions:

    • Light requirements: Shibataea Lancifolia prefers partial shade to filtered sunlight. Avoid placing it in direct sunlight, as this can scorch the leaves.

    • Watering: Keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Water the plant thoroughly whenever the top inch of soil feels slightly dry. Avoid letting the soil completely dry out or become waterlogged, as both conditions can harm the plant.

    • Soil: Use well-draining soil that retains moisture. A mix of regular potting soil and organic compost works well. Avoid using heavy clay-based soil as it can hinder drainage.

    • Temperature and humidity: Shibataea Lancifolia thrives in a moderate temperature range of around 15-27°C. It prefers high humidity levels, so misting the leaves regularly or placing a tray of water nearby can help increase humidity.

    • Fertilising: Lance-leaf bamboo benefits from regular fertilisation during the growing season. Apply a balanced, slow-release fertiliser specifically formulated for bamboo plants. And also a high Nitrogen. You can find out more about fertilising in our blog, Feeding your bamboo.

    • Pruning: Remove any damaged, yellowing, or dead leaves regularly to maintain the plant's appearance. Trim back any overgrown or wayward stems to maintain the desired shape. Use sharp and sterilised pruning shears to prevent the spread of diseases.

    • Repotting: Shibataea Lancifolia prefers to be slightly root-bound, so repotting is typically required only every 2-3 years. When repotting, choose a container that is 1-2 sizes larger than the current one. Ensure that the new pot has drainage holes to prevent water logging.


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Do you know Bamboo is the fastest growing plant in the world? Wouldn’t you rather look at a beautiful green living plant than an everyday fence?

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